Jonathan O'GuinComment

Called due to Curse

Jonathan O'GuinComment

So sorry everyone, but Jon needed a “sick” day today.

He’s not that unwell, but every time in the past 24 hours that he’s said “Alright, let’s get started on Thursday’s post”, SOMETHING has gone wrong:

  • Yesterday, he sat down to get started, and received a call from his grandfather stating he needed help with electronically filing some documents, a process that Jon could not explain over the phone, and instead had to walk him through in person, which took a little over an hour, travel time included.

  • Then, as Jon researched potential topics, he slowly developed an oppressive headache for no real reason. (It’s likely just after-shocks from returning from Leavenworth: a couple weeks of his eyes adjusting to one distance/display/lighting, and his lungs getting used to the higher, drier air. Or maybe it was from dehydration: Jon tends to forget to drink water while researching, and his lunch and dinner were fairly salty.) This issue spiked after dinner, and almost drove Jon to go to sleep at 9 PM. (For those unfamiliar, Jon typically goes to be between 1:30 and 2 AM.)

  • After driving off his headache, Jon ALMOST rallied at around 1 in the morning to at least start something…at which point his brother’s cat came down and decided this was a perfect time to demand repayment for not getting petted for 3 weeks.


I took a picture of her vicious attack, but it turns out it’s very hard to balance light sources one handed at 1 AM.

  • THEN, After Jon called it a night, and decided to maybe try hammering out an entire post in the morning, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE, he threw out his back by sleeping on it wrong. Like, sure, he’s slept in some weird positions, had problems bending in the morning, but when he work up, he momentarily thought he might have a new kidney stone, his back was so mad. He’ll be okay, but it has jacked his morning up something fierce.

As such, he has now concluded that for some reason, Today’s post is cursed, and will stop hurting himself trying to fight black magic. He’ll see you guys Monday.

You likely won’t find it as funny as Jon does, but as an peace offering, here’s a before and after for one of the family chickens, who has recently molted off all her tail feathers, making her look very silly.

two nicks.png

Apparently the difference between Emus and Chickens is just “tail feathers”